Come hear Amy sing with her choral group EVOCA

I’m eagerly counting down the days until I pick up my conducting baton in front of our first YCM chorus. In the meantime, I’m enjoying preparing to sing soprano under the direction of some wonderful conductors. This summer I’m excited to have three such opportunities: with the Ensemble Vocale di Camera EVOCA here in Milan, the Voci d’Amici in Dallas, Texas USA, and with the Orvieto Festival Choir in that beautiful city’s Festival of Strings. I can’t wait to share these experiences with you in musings and photos here on Scoop, our YCM blog.


First up…


EVOCA is a vocal chamber ensemble directed by soprano, Paola Grandini. We are in the final rehearsals now for a program featuring music by Mendelssohn, Schubert, Schumann and Brahms, a program Paola has aptly named Romanticismo in musica.  It has been hard work and great fun preparing this repertoire, and we couldn’t have done it without the important contribution of our two native German speakers, Eva and Timo. That’s right! EVOCA is quite an international bunch! Our singers come from Italy, England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, and America. That’s what music does…it brings together people of different languages and cultures through the universal language of music.


I hope you can join us for this immersion in Romantic poetry and music.


Stay tuned,




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