Introducing “Jenny’s Jukebox”

Welcome to YCM’s new series of online materials “Jenny’s Jukebox.” Every volume highlights a classic song – from rock and roll to disco to R&B to pop and more!  We hear the music, discover the artists, learn the lyrics…and we include lots of fun activities and videos to build on our understanding. 

When there are so many fantastic songs to choose from, how do we select the songs that make it into the Jukebox?

To be chosen, a song must be:

  1. Helpful for learning English as a second language 
  2. Easy for kids to sing along. By this I mean that while you might hear a man (for example,  Paul McCartney) singing in his octave, our young singers can still hit those same notes singing in their octave.
  3. Interesting in terms of harmony! After learning the melody, our choristers enjoy listening to and singing along with the song’s fantastic backup singers.
  4. Fun for the whole family. These songs are not only great to sing, but also to dance.  You can’t help but get up on your feet and boogie.

Be sure to check out the latest instalments on our YCM Google Classroom.

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