Meet Class Ranger Federico

Federico is Class Ranger to our Overtones section for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.  He is a junior at an international school in Milan where he is studying for his International Baccalaureate program diploma.

Federico has always cherished music.  Like most kids, he started off singing in the shower and then moved on to attempting to play every instrument he could get his hands on. Growing up, he began developing interests in different fields such as law, human rights and business management. However, music continues to play a significant role in Federico’s life to this day. In particular, Federico has recently begun to explore music as it can be deemed to be a language: able to move crowds, create empathy, and unite people of different thoughts, cultures and ideas, across varied social and economic backgrounds.

Federico finds great satisfaction in his work with our Overtones choristers.  He recalls vividly what it was like to be a nine-year-old: the challenges, the insecurities, the happy memories.  Federico’s aim at YCM is to help promote a fun and stimulating environment where students genuinely get to be themselves.

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