Meet Class Ranger Sofia

Sofia is Class Ranger to our Thursday FUNdamentals section.  A junior at an international school, Sofia first heard about YCM through a CAS (Creativity – Activity – Service) presentation at the beginning of the school year.  She immediately signed up to be interviewed and join the team because she loves working with young children. In elementary school, Sofia herself was a chorister in her school choir and she has continued to keep music in her life by participating in multiple school performances.


Initially, Sofia’s thought the FUNdamentals kiddos were going to be quite shy around her and that it would take a long time before they would freely express themselves.  As it turned out, Sofia discovered the students to be active and enthusiastic participants right from day one.  Indeed, the classes never have dull moments. “They are always tons of fun,” says Sofia.  She particularly enjoys the opening activities which kick-off the lesson and, like the kids, she too loves playing with the hula-hoops and waving the fans to the beat of the music.

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