Meet the Ranger

Veronica is Ranger to our Overtones group which meets at our home studio in Piazza Castello.  She in her second year of liceo classico where she excels in her studies. Outside of class, she enjoys writing fiction and dreams of becoming a journalist.


Singing has always been a very important part of Veronica’s life. She first started music lessons at age seven, studying voice, piano and music theory. In addition, she has taken a variety of dance classes for the past six years.  In 2016, she attended the Middle School Vocal Institute and Music Theatre Workshop at the renowned Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey. This amazing summer course sparked her love for everything Broadway! Inspired by her experience at Westminster, she later auditioned for and attended the Joffrey Musical Theatre Summer Intensive in 2018. 

Her favorite part of being a YCM Ranger is working with the kids in a culturally enriching environment. She hopes to teach them to enjoy music just as much as she does.

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